Our Services
We provide professional fine art services with over 30 years of experience in the mastery of fine art originals, commissions, art consultations & restoration.
Discussion of the subject, canvas size, and color palette.
Prices are based on size.
50% deposit required before the start of work.
Pricing is based on the extent of damage and canvas size.
Services include surface cleaning, re-varnish, re-stretching of the loose canvas, reframing (if requested), paint touched up for blemishes, and patching of canvas tears.
Personal direction, guidance based on your taste and interest in art.
Based on over thirty years of being a professional artist.
Creating, selling, buying, and brokering through galleries, brokers, and auction houses.
Access to many art sources through personal knowledge, friendships, and contacts
Fee-based per hour.
Mostly for people passionate about the creative process.
Discussion (in an informal setting) of drawing, fundamentals, color, composition, values, edges, materials, life drawing, painting Plein Aire, framing, shipping, and promotion.
$100 per hour

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